Monday, June 8, 2015

UE4 - Danger Zones in Site Model

To demonstrate the danger with operating these heavy machines, and the limited view they offer the driver, we decided to create "Danger Zones" around each of the cabins, with obstacles or workers in blind/hard to see places.


From this view, the crane operator can't see anything under the structure, and from this distance, sight is extremely limited. Also, the reflections off of the glass in the cabin add to the lack of visibility.


We see here that in front of the excavators scoop, there is a man and a cement mixer, from the cabin, this is hidden behind the scoop. There is also a worker to the right of the excavator, who is in a blind spot unless you lean forward and look to you back right. Also, there is an electrical box to the left of the excavator which is blocked from the view of the cabin by the arm of the machine.


To the front of the truck is a ute and worker but these are easily visible from the cabin. However, the man to the left of the truck is just inside it's blind spot and so can only be seen by leaning forward and looking left. Also, there is a worker standing on the tray of the truck, who is only visible by looking out the small rear window, and the beam extending out over the top of the truck is dangerously close but hidden by the sun visor.


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